Apostles Journey
Sometimes I wonder what people did in the past before TV, and movies. Take the Apostle Paul for instance, what did he do during travel, or when he was under house arrest by Roman guards? I don’t know for certain, but I could imagine Paul playing a game of latrunculi and talking to a Roman soldier or citizen about the Gospel, or just about life in general. It is those moments in time that are never talked about. Those moments of quiet that are considered “unimportant”. Yet life is full of those simple seemingly inconsequential moments. With that introduction I have made latrunculi (which was a very popular Roman game during the Apostl’s time) made into a playable android app. The background is a map of Paul’s journeys. And the game play is fairly simple. The goal is to surround an opposing piece on two sides to capture the piece. Feel free to download and play.
If you enjoy the game please consider donating to Warner Bibles, but whether you do or not, enjoy the game.
Read Me:
The game is Android only, but if you have an iphone or ipad you could try playing it using an emulator like iAndroid or LDplayer
Place the order and you will recieve a download link in your email. Go to your downloads folder on your tablet or phone extract the file, install, and play!